
Showing posts from November, 2021

Personalising Search using Sitecore CDP and Personalise (Boxever) -- Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, I covered the background of relevance scoring in search and covered setup of Search Studio and Sitecore CDP & Personalise. In part two I will work through some example code that pulls these products together to show end to end search capability using the setup we covered in the last post. This demo code provides a command line "head" which utilises the Sitecore and Search Studio APIs to return personalised search results for the provided search terms of user. Overview The high level flow of the demo application is reasonably simple: Console.WriteLine("Getting search model for user " + email); var searchModel = await GetModelForUserAsync(email); Console.WriteLine("Search Model calculated: " + searchModel); Console.WriteLine("Getting search results"); var searchResults = await GetSearchResultsAsync(searchModel, term); if (!(searchResults is null))