What's it all about?

I'm always telling anyone who will listen: "You have to define the problem before you can define a solution".  So in the spirit of practicing what I preach, I'm going to try and define what is prompting me to start writing this blog.

I'm lucky enough to be able to work on enterprise level Sitecore CMS implementations, and working as a solution architect I often come across some slightly different questions and issues than developers might do (as well as a lot that are the same).  You work through these issues as they arise, and it would be great to record what I learned to help others that come across the same problem (paying it forward for all the other great bloggers out there who must has saved me several lifetimes of research and investigation of technical problems over the last 10 or 15 years!)

So I intend this blog to be a record of the things I have learned delivering projects for clients.  I expect that there will be a very strong Sitecore and .NET flavour as these are my core technical areas of interest, but I hope to be able to provide insight into other areas too.  I hope that you find it useful!


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