
Showing posts from October, 2021

Personalising Search using Sitecore CDP and Personalise (Boxever) - Part 1

I had the opportunity recently to present at a Sitecore User Group session with Sameer Maggon , the founder of SearchStax. We've used SearchStax for many years to provide cloud hosted managed Solr Cloud for customers -- Sitecore even use SearchStax in their own Managed Cloud offering -- and the now have a new SaaS offering called Search Studio that lets you define different models to apply to searches which alter how relevance scoring is calculated. In part one of this blog post, I'll cover the main moving parts of SearchStax and Sitecore Personalise used to drive the solution. In part two I go through some example code that uses the two configured products together to render personalised search results. Relevance scoring When content is indexed for searching, the contents are tokeninsed and put into an index. Information is stored in a "Document" (either tokenised or stored directly) with term vectors associated. Term vectors are essentially the individ...