Customising the experience for Sitecore AD users
In the overwhelming majority of Sitecore installations that we deliver for clients, content authors want to use the Active Directory integration module to login to Sitecore -- understandable, who wants to have another login! As outlined in my previous post about recursive AD synchronisation , it is actually quite simple to set up the Sitecore AD module to use your AD roles and user accounts to enable Sitecore login. One of Sitecore's little idiosyncrasies is that by default it will log you in to the content editor application, which I find is the least useful thing for most content authors. Generally we want to log content authors into the Sitecore Desktop. This is not a setting that you can set on a role, instead it is a setting of the user's profile. You can definitely go an individually update each of the users that have been created by the AD module to by default log the user into the desktop, but we don't want to have to do that every time we create a...